Why Is Israel Permitted to be Racist ? 

March 22, 2017

Israelracism.jpg(BEACH SCENE, TEL AVIV) 

Tired of being browbeaten daily about the evils of racism and the joys of diversity?

Then, cast a glance at Israel, the only Western country allowed to maintain its racial identity.  Wonder why that is?  Masonic Jewish central bankers intend for whites to become a minority.

Last week, a UN official quit rather than apologize for referring to Israel’s “Apartheid” policies. 

Below, “Saul” an Israeli American, reviews Israel’s race laws which includes a prohibition on interracial marriage.

Makow comment Jews don’t need a national homeland. Americans, Canadians, British, French, Australians, Germans do.  Central bankers and their Masonic toadies in government, education and media have subverted eroded their national identity.  (“We will destroy every collective force but our own,” say the Protocols of Zion. 16)

(From Dec 10, 2013)

by Saul


TEL AVIV — Despite Zionist denials, Israel is an apartheid state. The term apartheid means “the state of being apart” and was a system of legislated racial separatism in South Africa. There are striking parallels between Zionist Israel and apartheid South Africa.

1) Jewish Right of Return

With very few exceptions, only Jews can immigrate. Outside of Russian immigration, immigrants to Israel must prove that their mother was or is Jewish. Christians cannot immigrate to Israel. Muslims most certainly cannot immigrate to Israel.

Why have such a racist law on the books when 20% of the population are Muslim Arabs? Simple. Zionists claim that Jews deserve a homeland.

inter-R.jpg(left, banker-controlled cartels normalize intermarriage for the goyim) 

2) Jewish Marriage Law

Jews cannot marry anyone other than Jews. Muslims in Israel cannot marry anyone other than Muslims. Even secular Jews cannot marry Christians or Muslims in Israel. This is the law. To marry outside one’s faith, couples need to leave Israel to countries like Cyprus where they can marry and return as a married couple. Even apartheid South Africa abolished the Prohibition of Mixed Marriage act in 1985, prior to which time whites could not marry blacks and vice versa. In Israel this racism is still going on today! Not just similar to Apartheid, WORSE than Apartheid.

In Judaism, to be Jewish, one’s mother must be Jewish.
One of my friends had problems getting married in Israel recently.  He is a provable Jew with a Jewish mother and father.  His bride to be was a Russian immigrant with only a Jewish father.  The Zionist secular government bends the rules for Russian Jews so they qualify under the Jewish right of return.  Alas, to the religious court, which has a monopoly on marriage and divorce law in the country, she was NOT deemed a Jew.  Thus, they could not get married within Israel.

3. The Racial Hierarchy 

While Judaism is considered a religion, it acts like a race. Within that race, there is a hierarchy of privilege. Israelis can be broken down into two main categories: European “Ashkenazi” Jews and Middle Eastern “Mizrahi” Jews.

These two distinct subgroups also observe two distinct types of Judaism. Ashkenazi Judaism and Sephardic Judaism.

Every Israeli Prime Minister has been a European, lighter skinned, Ashkenazi Jew. Only one figurehead President of Israel has been a darker skinned Mizrahi Jew, and he is currently in prison for raping one of his secretaries.

5482.jpgThe “white” Ashkenazi Jews are the elite in Israel. The “darker” Mizrahi, or Arab Jews are a slightly lower caste.  Mizrahi Jews look identical to their Arab Muslim and Christian cousins.

Israeli police and military are not politically correct. They racially profile people at every checkpoint, supermarket, movie theater, etc. Thus, Mizrahi Jews are given a closer look and only their Hebrew accent confirms them as Jews. Israelis unabashedly describe people by their skin color, religion, race or country of origin. It’s simply the culture.

In America, my children were raised differently. They would never call a person of color “nigger” in America. Yet here in Israel they quickly learned Ethiopians are called “cushy” in reference to the biblical Cushites. Israelis also use the term “nigger”. They don’t recognize these terms to be racist. Zionists don’t realize Jewish-only land, Jewish-only immigration, Jewish-only marriage are racist. They simply accept their racism as normal.

It’s a caste system, plain and simple, and what kids learn in childhood carries over into adulthood. That’s the culture.

Going “down” the ladder, you have your Arab Muslim and Arab Christian Israelis. They’re not Jewish. But more important, they aren’t trusted. Israelis consider them a fifth column, ready and willing to rise up at a moments notice in rebellion. It’s comical to me, because it is the inherent racism that oppresses the Arab Israeli population and they have good reason to be disgruntled and unhappy.


All Israeli boys and girls must serve a mandatory military duty. They are conditioned to follow orders and to be desensitized to the “enemy.” While Israeli schools, and even Jewish schools abroad, rely heavily on emotional manipulation of the holocaust, the Germans are no longer the hated enemy here. The Arabs are.

Thus, children are manipulated to turn their anger and hatred of Nazi Germany towards Arabs. In the words of my Israeli ex-wife, “A good Arab is a dead one.”

There is outright fear and hostility to the Palestinians living in the autonomous zones. It is a culture of racism and war, and there is no arguing it.

_88060786_saharonimprison_bbc.jpg(Migrants who refuse to leave are held in detention indefinitely.) 


The African migrant workers are treated the worst by far. They are truly the untouchables. In fact, I’ve never seen an African, other than an Ethiopian Jew, inside any Israeli home, mall or major supermarket.

They almost invariably live in one area near the Central Bus Station in Tel Aviv, many homeless, most crowded in small rooms. The Israeli government doesn’t know what to do with them, and it’s a big problem. They live in slums, are treated terribly, and are looked at as feral cats or rats. They are called names, they are heavily discriminated against.

And Israel is nothing like America in terms of “anchor babies.” Being born in Israel does not guarantee one citizenship unless the baby is Jewish. For non-Jews born to non-citizens, the child is not a citizen and is subject to deportation.

I will conclude with a comment that might surprise you. I am not anti-Israel or anti-Jew. I am a Jew. I am Israeli. I am anti-racism and anti-Zionist. There’s a difference. Israel does not have to be an Apartheid state. She chooses to be. She is ruled by racist Zionists who believe in separatism, colonialism, and militarism. I believe in another, more open and humane Israel.

– See more at: https://www.henrymakow.com/#sthash.C2ZVSvxJ.dpuf

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